February 19, 2025


Love your Curiosity

Which Portfolio Mix, Is Best For You?

When, it comes to investing, and/ or, personal financial planning, there is no such thing, as, one – size – fits – all! Depending on one’s age, needs, goals, priorities, risk tolerance, purposes, etc, the most appropriate strategy, may be determined, on a case – by – case, basis! Your total assets, liquid assets, income (from a variety of sources), job security, reserves, and personal, comfort zone/ level, are significant factors, to determine, the best path forward, for you, in terms of creating a personal, investment portfolio. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, which, mix, might make the most sense, for your specific combination, and set of conditions, and factors.

1. Risk tolerance: One of the first things to consider, is, your personal, risk tolerance. That means, in simple – terms, how might you balance, investing, and being able, to sleep, at night! Many people confuse terms, especially, when it comes to, mixing – up, the difference, between, growth, and income. How often have you heard, someone, declare, the growth – investments, they held, didn’t offer enough income, and/ or, income – focused investments don’t provide growth/ rising prices, etc? One must consider, how much risk, they are ready, willing, and/ or, able, to tolerate, and accept!

2. Goals/ objectives: Identify, clearly, your individual goals, and objectives, when considering your portfolio mix. Some goals, include: saving for a child’s education; creating a source, to purchase a future house; developing a retirement fund; etc. It makes sense, usually, to carefully, choose, the right mix of investments, for each objective. Achieving goals, generally, is easier/ simpler, when done, over a longer – period of time, so one might take advantage of the concept of Dollar Cost Averaging. This approach, often, minimizes overall – market risk, because, when purchases are made, at a specific point, every month, market fluctuation becomes far – less, relevant and significant!

3. Needs: We are individuals, and have our own needs! Avoid, trying to, Keep Up With The Joneses, because, what might make sense, for them, may not, for you, and what you need! Do you need, growth, present income, future income, or some combination, etc?

4. Small, versus, Large – Cap, equity: We often hear the terms, small – cap, versus, large – cap. This refers to the amount of capitalization, of the individual company, investment, or mutual fund. The value, and monetary stability, and strength of any company, may be a factor, in the safety, etc.

5. Bonds and Preferred Stock: Corporate bonds are debt, which companies use, to raise monies/ capital. Some are unsecured ones, but, generally, we consider, secured bonds (debentures), which are backed, by the finances of that company. Therefore, while, many consider, bonds, safe, that depends on, the quality of the specific company. Preferred stocks are generally, favored forms of equity, and pay a regular dividend. Most people, who invest in these two types of investments, seek consistent income. At this point – in – time, because of record – low, interest rates, existing bond prices, are high, because they were issued, when rates were higher, and the price of the bond, is adjusted, because, it determines the total yield.

The more you know, and understand, the better, you will determine the portfolio mix, which might, best serve your individual needs, goals, and priorities. Become a smarter investor!