October 8, 2024


Love your Curiosity

Understanding the Truth Behind the “Coffee House Letter” by Mike Dillard

Most people wanting to start and run a successful MLM or network marketing business today need to be aware of what the message being delivered in the letter is and the relevance and importance of the message is to individuals wanting to succeed in the MLM or network marketing sales arena. Even current network marketers, struggling to build a MLM business really need to read Mike Dillards “The Coffee House Letter.” The letter details what is happening in the network marketing and MLM arena and explains why networkers are throwing in the towel on downline and matrix building and changing focus to a more recent trend towards utilizing a relatively new concept called G.P.T.

Network marketers primary goal in starting or joining a network marketing, or MLM business is to succeed at developing a business that will be profitable and create a cash flow that will replace their income from a job and live the lifestyle of the rich and famous. That almost never happens. Almost 97% of those that start a MLM business fail to make any money at all, and only 1% out of the remaining 3% achieve that goal. The “Coffee House Letter” lists the details that have made achieving this one percent group even more difficult than ever before. The industry is changing rapidly and the “letter” is written to worn anyone wanting to take the risk and to step into this arena to become aware of some very unsettling insights that need to be known if someone is actually planning to attempt to make more than $10,000 a month from home in 2010 and in the future years to come.

The promises of old-school thinking that MLM companies started in the 1960’s, 1970’s 1980’s and even in the 1990’s taught for more than 40 years are all but “dead and “life-long” residual income are pretty much non-existent for the average person. Even newer companies in the last ten years ( most recent past) have come and gone because their business platforms and compensation models were antiquated and based on older companies models that have proven to be a failure with the advent of the internet and social media communication today.

As Mike Dillard puts it in his letter, ” trying to build a downline in the internet age is like trying to fill a leaking bucket. You can get ahead of the curve for a while if you have the time, money, and energy, but it’s only a matter of time before it will drain dry.”

This is profound because most people in MLM are constantly scrambling to find new lead sources, prospect these leads, entice them to be recruited and then signed up in the business, then retain new members by training, motivating, training some more, and eventually losing this valuable resource, for whatever reason, having to repeat the process over and over. This is what he means by costing you time, money and energy! And if you think this isn’t happening, think again. Just answer any email on any given day, and ask, ” How many people are you signing up, and how long are the ones you do sign up… actually stay?”

To gain the knowledge that you will need to succeed in any MLM or network marketing company you are going to want to read “The Coffee House Letter” in its entirety. Like any good book, article, essay, or manuscript, you will need to sink your teeth into it, digest it a bit at a time, and see how it applies to your life goals, if you are thinking about joining a network marketing company, a MLM company, an affiliate marketing business or just simply want to understand what is really changed in the past 10 years with the advent of the internet. I believe that you will become enlightened, then shocked to find out this information and probably be very thankful that you had a chance to educate yourself further. This simple step will probably save you a ton of additional time, money, or energy that you may have spent unknowingly causing you to come up short in your efforts. You may just save yourself from the same experiences, the same challenges, and the same frustrations that tens of thousands of unknowingly, uneducated, network marketers around the world are having as well.