February 19, 2025


Love your Curiosity

Things to Consider When Preparing Your Fence For The Worst Weather

Building a fence to match wits with nature can be a harrowing prospect. It’s a difficult task to make just about anything that needs to stand the test of time, spend all it’s life outdoors, and face every kind of weather scenario imaginable, let alone one that is supposed to serve as a beauty mark on your property for all the years to come. It may seem complicated, but it’s not impossible. With some specific preparation, you can have the Best Fence in town.

Custom Fence Against Weather

Always keep in mind that the Best Fence is one that is built to last. The sun’s ultraviolet rays, heat, and cold temperature extremes, as well as drought and rain, all have to be considered in the very conception of the fence. When putting up a Custom Fence around your yard, you need to consider several points first in terms of weather.

Sunlight And Heat

Start with the sun and heat. A significant portion of your fence is likely to be made of wood, so you’re going to want sturdy, kind wood that can withstand sun damage over time. Specific colors of stain are more resistant to UV damage. Certain brands of clear finishes contain UV blockers to help ward off the sun’s damaging rays. Some people prefer to avoid wood fences altogether and can afford an iron fence.

Still, even iron rusts over time and must maintain a protective coating. The cost is significantly higher, also for an entire wall to be made out of iron. For those who like the elegant appearance of an iron fence, but do not have the ability or desire to pay for such an expensive option, some choose to build their wall out of durable cedar wood, with a protective clear coat, and add Iron Inserts and Iron Gates as accents to make their fence more elegant.

Rain And Snow

Secondly, think about the rain and snow. Water and moisture are constant threats for wood, as they cause decay and mildew and invite insects. The moisture, combined with heat and cold extremes, can also warp beams over time if left unchecked. Again, stains and finishes can help prevent much of the damage by sealing the wood and creating a barrier that prevents the water from soaking in.

Local Fence Company

Your fence should be built from the very beginning in a way so that it will resist weather and environmental damage. Local and experienced fence companies know the threats to your new fence that are most common to your area, and they can answer any questions you might have regarding having your fence built in the most durable way possible. Ask New Orleans fence company BigEasyFences.com for a free estimate. Ask them about the length of their warranty, which should give you an indication as to how durable their fences are.

Ask about the different types of materials they use, sealants they have available, and how each of these products stands up to the local weather and climate. Ask about any Fence repair that they might offer, and keep this in mind later if something happens to your fence.