December 5, 2024


Love your Curiosity

Plumbing, HVAC technician jobs expand with fluctuating workforce

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — Whether you work in an office or at home, your comfort is likely dependent on HVAC and plumbing technicians. Amid COVID-19, the demand for these trades climbs. One area company needs to add double-digit numbers immediately to its workforce roster.

Hi-Tech Plumbing and Air technicians are booked with both residential and commercial jobs from northern Palm Beach County to Fort Lauderdale daily, and there’s a growing fleet of repair shops on wheels more visibly roving.

“We get anywhere between 50 to 100 calls a day,” said Philip Juliano, Hi-Tech Plumbing and Air supervisor. “The company is growing and the demand is there.”

As more workers get back to work, there’s more air ducts to repair or replace in commercial buildings. Likewise, there’s an uptick in heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration as others continue to telework.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s a private residence or a commercial office. We’re like investigators and our job is to be as thorough as possible and get to the source of whatever the problem is,” said Nick Miller, Hi-Tech Plumbing and Air plumbing technician. “Our job impacts the health of the customer, really.”

“Upgrades also save customers on their power bills and life expectancy on their machinery,” Juliano said. “It goes into every aspect of it.”

Companies like Hi-Tech Plumbing and Air need at least 20 new plumbing technicians, HVAC technicians and customer service representatives to keep up with a fluctuating work force.

“We’re way understaffed,” said Juliano.

Demand for HVAC jobs growing


The demand for plumbing and HVAC jobs are growing. Hi-Tech Plumbing and Air technicians are booked with both residential and commercial jobs from northern Palm Beach County to Fort Lauderdale daily.

Experts said the combined demand will only increase as the personal savings rate also increases.

“The personal saving rate has gone way up and what are people doing with their money. They’re renovating their homes,” said Tom Essaye, Sevens Report Research founder and president. “[Workers] are spending more time there than they ever thought they would and they have more money lying around, and so now you’re seeing a tremendous demand for plumbers, electricians and contractors from people doing renovations.”

Essaye calls the demand for plumbing and HVAC services a bright spot in the economy. To learn more about job opportunities as a plumbing technician, HVAC technician or customer service representative, visit here: