May 7, 2024


Love your Curiosity

The Importance of Solar Panel Maintenance

The focus on green initiatives within the commercial real estate industry has brought new interest in solar panels as an alternative energy source. Property owners and developers turn to this industry as a possible means to control costs and provide a sustainable energy source.

Solar Panels Maintenance

Owners and managers typically have their buildings’ high-performance glass windows regularly cleaned to sustain peak energy efficiency standards. Similarly, the maintenance of solar panels should be addressed to keep the system performing at the highest standards and is typically relatively simple. Pollen, bird droppings, dirt, and dust can build up on panels resulting in decreased solar output. Pollen from evergreens is incredibly stubborn because of its sticky quality and should be removed before it bonds to the panels.

Some question the need for scheduled cleaning of solar panels, relying on rain to do the job. However, there are several reasons this rule of thought maybe faulty:

  • The rain cycles don’t usually coincide with those times when dust and pollen are at their worst.
  • Rain isn’t a reliable method for removing pine pollen and baked on bird droppings.
  • Rain does a no better job cleaning solar panels than it does cleaning the windows.

One need only look through a window that has not been professionally cleaned in some time to get an idea of the condition of neglected solar panels.

Cleaning Solar Panel

The cleaning of solar panels should be handled according to the manufacturer’s instructions and materials that won’t scratch or harm the panel’s surface. In the event the you are looking for a solar company provides variety of residential energy services , you can always call them or visit their website.

Inspections can also be done at cleaning to check for cracks or aged and failing seals. This is important for prolonging the useful life of the panels. Water leaking into a failed silicone seal or cracked panel can damage the cells, making them ineffective and resulting in the need for replacement.

Specialized technicians can include inspections and cleaning of solar panels along with regular window cleanings. Professionals in this field usually work with property managers and owners to ensure that the manufacturer’s instructions for their system are closely followed. In the event damage to silicone, seals are found. They can easily report it directly to someone who can assist with such a repair upon the property manager’s request, of course.

If you are thinking about solar panels as an energy alternative for your facility, remember to ask the dealer if they have a “take back” program as part of their company policy. After all, part of a genuinely green campaign can reuse/recycle where possible.